iCandy New Peach Bag - Light Grey Check

iCandy New Peach Bag - Light Grey Check

Egg 2 stroller and carrycot in Olive

Olive - Egg 2 Stroller And Carrycot RRP £1108.00

Tiny Love Wonder Buddy - Leonardo

Regular Price £26.99 Special Price £14.99

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We will help your one year old develop and become their best friends. 

We've got super smart sensors and sevon fun-filled, interactive activities. 

  • Hide me to play Peek-a-boo
  • Tickle me and make my heart grow
  • Feed me and hear me nibble
  • 7 play cards included, adding fun stories to tell


In stock
  • 12+ months

    Playing "peek-a-boo" is the ultimate games for children at this age. Discover the cheerful sounds they make, when you cover the Wonder Buddy in a cloth. Play along and enjoy the precious time with your little one.

  • 12-18 months

    Let your little one play with the interactive Wonder Buddy by themselves, allowing them to discover its features on their own. Playing and discovering the various features independently, teaches your child about cause and effect.

  • 2+ years

    Wonder Buddy becomes their new best friend. Play hide-and-seek or feed them to hear them nibble. Their close relationship will encourage independent play, for your little one's imagination to develop even further.

  • Cognition

    Teach your little one about their Wonder Buddy's different body parts. When pressing the belly say, "What happens when I press his belly? He giggles!" This game will improve their vocabulary and teach them about cause and effect, developing their cognitive skills.

  • Emotional Intelligence

    Lay them on a balanced surface and explain your little one about patience, while you wait for the Wonder Buddy to fall asleep. He will start snoring! This teaches the principle of delayed gratification, helping your child to develop their emotional intelligence.

  • Gross Motor Skills

    Wonder Buddy's make the funniest bouncy noises, when they go for a walk! Have your little one mimic its bouncy sounds at different speeds, fostering their development of rhythm, coordination and physical control. This stimulates their gross motor skills.

  • Fine Motor Skills

    Encourage your little one to pick up their snack and to feed their buddy. This will help your child understand and practice daily activities, while strengthening their fine motor skills by grabbing the snack and putting it near their Wonder Buddy's mouth.

More Information

Suitable from 12m +

Batteries not included


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